Web Hosting
A lot of people tend to think that registering a domain name is good enough to get a website active. What they fail to understand is that a domain is as good as your name, a name by which others may recognize you. In order to get a website active and live on the internet, you need to host a website. If you are seeking to build a website without taking web hosting services, registering domain names will serve no purpose. Having a web hosting account is very important in order to get a website hosted. We make it possible for your website to be accessed by everyone on the web.
While there are multiple hosting services available, it is always advised that you buy your web hosting from us. With so many choices, it's easy to simply opt for the cheapest option. However, web hosting should be seen as an investment in your business. Think of your host as the foundation of your site. You wouldn’t build a home on a shaky foundation, and neither should you build a website with a low-quality host behind you.
One of the reasons why it is important to choose the right web hosting provider is to avoid website downtime’s that may cause the loss of sales of your products and services.
Whenever a website goes down due to web hosting maintenance or problems, online users won’t be able to access your website to learn about the products or services that you offer. This forces potential customers to look for other alternative sites, which may lead to loss of sales and income for your business. Moreover, frequent downtimes can affect the image of the reliability of your company, resulting in a bad reputation for your business.
- Shared web hosting service
- Reseller web hosting
- Virtual Dedicated Server
- Dedicated hosting service
- Managed hosting service
- Colocation web hosting service
- Cloud hosting
- Storage Upgrade
- Clustered hosting
- Grid hosting
- Home server
- Security
- Support 24×7